Modelled for Global Success

The Entrepreneurial Journey

Since the first program in 2009, Alacrity Global and its international Foundations and Funds have been driven to promote technological entrepreneurship and innovation.  In the process, they have launched and accelerated dozens of new companies.  They have created hundreds of employment opportunities and hundreds of millions of dollars in positive economic impact.

As each new Fund is introduced, these same opportunities are repeated for new entrepreneurs, in existing areas of the Alacrity ecosystem and in new global locations.

Consistent in the model is the ongoing support from Wesley Clover, going beyond lead investment to include access to experienced mentors and resources, to existing portfolio products and intellectual property, to lead customer opportunities, and to global channel and partner introductions. Each of these is critical to the success of a start-up firm, and having them integrated into our unique model provides the start-ups with better than average chances of competitive success.